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Direct Paste is a synonym for copy this element to the system clipboard and immediately paste it.Essentially, it is copy & paste combined into one action. For example, you can double-click an element in CopyLess to paste it directly into last active application. You can even define shortcuts for 10. Rogue amoeba soundsource 4 1 4. Online homework and grading tools for instructors and students that reinforce student learning through practice and instant feedback.
Download VMD:
Instacast 1 0 2 – podcasts for the next generation. VMD is a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.Visit the VMD website for complete information and documentation.
Selecting an archive below will lead to a user registration and login page. Your download will continue after you have registered or logged in. Keyboard maestro 9 0 5 x 4.
Version 1.9.4 LATEST ALPHA (2020-12-21) Platforms:
Latest pre-release ALPHA test version
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA 9.x, OptiX, OSPRay)
- MacOS 11.x, ARM64 (64-bit 'M1' Macs) (Apple MacOS-X 11 or later)
- MacOS 10.15, x86_64 (64-bit Intel x86_64) (Apple MacOS-X 10.15 or later)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.10.x to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- Windows 32-bit (32-bit Intel x86) (Windows 10)
- Windows 64-bit, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (64-bit Intel x86_64) (Windows 10)
Version 1.9.3 (2016-11-30) Platforms:
We recommend that all users upgrade to VMD 1.9.3
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA 8.x, OptiX, OSPRay)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode w/ EGL (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode w/ EGL)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode)
- LINUX MIC-AVX512 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel Xeon Phi MIC w/ AVX-512, Text-mode, OSPRay)
- LINUX MIC-AVX512, OpenGL, CUDA, OptiX, OSPRay (Linux (RHEL 6.7 and later) 64-bit Intel Xeon Phi MIC w/ AVX-512, OpenGL, CUDA7.5, OptiX, OSPRay)
- LINUX OpenPOWER Text-mode (Linux 64-bit IBM OpenPOWER w/ VSX, Text-mode)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7 w/ OpenGL) (NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, OpenGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
- ORNL Titan (Cray XK7) (ORNL Titan (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, TachyonL-OptiX)
- CSCS Piz Daint (Cray XC50 w/ EGL) (CSCS Piz Daint (Cray XC50) MPI, CUDA, EGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
Version 1.9.2 (2014-12-29) Platforms:
We recommend that all users upgrade to VMD 1.9.3
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA, TachyonL-OptiX (Linux (RHEL 5.5 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 SSE, with CUDA and TachyonL-OptiX)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX_64 Text-mode (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, Text-mode)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7 w/ OpenGL) (NCSA Blue Waters (Cray XK7) MPI, CUDA, OpenGL Pbuffers, TachyonL-OptiX)
Version 1.9.1 (2012-02-04) Platforms:
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X 10.5.x or later)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds (Experimental builds for MacOS X)
Version 1.9 (2011-03-14) Platforms:
- AIX6_64 Text-mode (IBM AIX 6 (64-bit Power) Text-mode)
- Blue Drop Text-mode, OpenCL (NCSA/IBM Blue Drop (64-bit Power7) Text-mode, OpenCL)
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.7 (2009-08-01) Platforms:
- AIX6_64 Text-mode (IBM AIX 6 (64-bit Power) Text-mode)
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.6 (2007-04-07) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.4 (2006-04-16) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- AIX6_64 Text-mode (IBM AIX 6 (64-bit Power) Text-mode)
- LINUX PPC64 Text-mode (Linux PowerPC (64-bit) Text-mode)
- LINUX_64 OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) 64-bit Intel/AMD x86_64 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- LINUX OpenGL, CUDA (Linux (RHEL 4.6 and later) Intel/AMD x86 w/ SSE, with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL, CUDA (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.5.x to 10.13.x) with CUDA)
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARISX86_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit x86) with OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL, CUDA (Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) with OpenGL and CUDA)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.6 (2007-04-07) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X 10.4.7 or later)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
- Unofficial (unsupported) VMD builds contributed by the community (RPMs for Linux, experimental builds for MacOS X, VMD extension packages, ..)
Version 1.8.4 (2006-04-16) Platforms:
- AIX5 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 with hardware OpenGL)
- AIX5_64 OpenGL (IBM AIX 5 (64-bit Power) with hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX IA64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit Intel Itanium) with hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Apple MacOS-X (10.4.7 to 10.13.x) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.3 (2005-02-15) Platforms:
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUX_64 OpenGL (Linux (64-bit x86))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.2 (2003-12-05) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8.1 (2003-06-15) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.8 (2002-12-09) Platforms:
Use the 'OpenGL' versions of VMD unless you have a specific need to use the Mesa version.
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- MacOS X OpenGL (PowerPC) (Apple MacOS-X (10.3.5 or later) with hardware OpenGL (native bundle))
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7.2 (2002-02-06) Platforms:
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7.1 (2001-12-23) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.7 (2001-08-01) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.6.1 (2001-04-22) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- IRIX6_64 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 (64-bit) using hardware OpenGL)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- MacOS-X Mesa/X11 (MacOS-X with Mesa/X11)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS_64 OpenGL (Sun Solaris 10 (64-bit UltraSPARC) with hardware OpenGL)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.6 (2000-12-22) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- LINUXALPHA Mesa (Linux Alpha with Mesa)
- LINUXPPC Mesa (Linux PPC with Mesa)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.5 (2000-06-28) Platforms:
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX5 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- LINUX OpenGL (Linux (32-bit, RHEL4 or later))
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- TRU64 OpenGL (HP Tru64 Unix with hardware OpenGL)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Version 1.4 (2000-01-07) Platforms:
Copyless 1 8 45
- AIX4 Mesa (IBM AIX 4.x using Mesa)
- AIX4 OpenGL (IBM AIX 4.x with hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX10 Mesa (HPUX 10.20 using Mesa)
- HPUX10 OpenGL (HPUX 10.20 using hardware OpenGL)
- HPUX11 Mesa (HP HP-UX 11.0 using Mesa)
- HPUX11 OpenGL (HP HP-UX 11.0 using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX5 GL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware GL)
- IRIX5 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 5.x using hardware OpenGL)
- IRIX6 GL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware GL + CAVE)
- IRIX6 OpenGL (SGI IRIX 6.5.20 using hardware OpenGL + CAVE)
- LINUX Mesa (Linux with Mesa)
- SOLARIS Mesa (Sun Solaris 8 (UltraSPARC) with Mesa)
- SOLARIS OpenGL (Sun Solaris 9 (UltraSPARC) with harware OpenGL)
- SOLARISX86 Mesa (Sun Solarix 2.x (x86) with Mesa)
- TRU64 Mesa (HP Tru64 Unix with Mesa)
- Windows OpenGL (32-bit Intel x86) (Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (32-bit) using OpenGL)
Copyless 1 8 4 Equals
Issue 2706363002: Add Finch flag for Copyless Paste (Closed)
DescriptionAdd Finch flag for Copyless PasteBUG=693650Review-Url: refs/heads/master@{#463210}Committed: Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : address comments #Patch Set 3 : privacy reassurance #Patch Set 4 : skip low end devices #Patch Set 5 : rebase, remove copyless_paste_agent, move flag strings #Patch Set 6 : expose to java #Patch Set 7 : add to LoginCustomFlags #Patch Set 8 : rebase # Download [raw][tar.bz2]
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